Wendy Marroquin Phone 661.533.2326 Email wendy.mmarroquin@farmersagency.com Office 520 E Palmdale Blvd, Suite C Palmdale, CA 93550 Wendy Marroquin Farmers Agent Request a homeowners insurance quote today Primary First Name * Primary Last Name * Primary Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY) * Secondary First Name Secondary Last Name Secondary Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYY) Phone Number * Email Address * Property Address * Residency Occupancy * Residency Occupancy * Homeowner occupied Tenant occupied Would you like an auto insurance quote to apply for a 25% Farmers Insurance Bundle Discount? * Would you like an auto insurance quote to apply for a 25% Farmers Insurance Bundle Discount? * Yes, please contact me Not interested 6 + 14 = Submit